Saturday, March 4, 2017

American Presidents and Journalists ... Times Of India

Not un-presidented: When Donald Trump dissed journalists, he wasn’t the first US president to do so

February 20, 2017, 2:00 AM IST  in Ruminations | Edit PageWorld | TOI Link-
Many American politicians, including presidents, have had a tortured relationship with the country’s press going back to the Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson felt “advertisements are the most truthful part of a newspaper”, and observed sourly that “truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle”. Franklin Roosevelt is said to have once admonished an irksome reporter by giving him a dunce cap and ordering him to sit in a corner, while Lyndon Johnson thought that a man becoming a newspaper reporter “is evidence of some flaw of character”.
“An editor is one who separates the wheat from the chaff and prints the chaff,” Adlai Stevenson, sometimes described as the best president America never had, scoffed breezily. Some years later, the country’s disgraced vice-president and President Nixon’s political hitman Spiro Agnew called scribes “the nattering nabobs of negativism” for their propensity to dispense gloom and doom although they were only shining a light into the duo’s dark deeds.
You get the drift? Long before Donald Trump came on the scene, the press and American pols have had a peevish and prickly relationship.
What the press thinks of politicians would fill tomes, but the fact that US presidents are elected seems to give them the license to treat journalists as whipping boys, which no one has done quite with the same contempt and severity as Trump. Still, as Oscar Wilde recorded for posterity, “In America the president reigns for four (or eight) years … journalism governs for ever and ever.” So, unless Trump plans to change the rules of the game, there can be only one victor in this unnecessary scrap that has gone from bad to ugly.
In the Department of Self-Deprecation, a politician cannot hold a candle to the journalist, and American scribes are particularly self-effacing. The humorist-parodyist Dave Barry echoed this when he sneered that “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re a newspaper columnist.” The greatest strength of journalism is not just self-disparagement but also its survivability, in one form or another, and to dust itself off from scorn and insults and get on with its imperfect work.
Which is why, for all his skepticism of the media, Jefferson echoed Voltaire’s capacious support to a critic whose writing he detested, but for whose freedom to write he would give his life. “Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, i should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter,” said the nation’s third president, adding, “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” Tremendous words!

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